Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Gadgets

To start a video project, I invested in these items:

  • Camera --- Canon FS200
Cost: $329.99
Where to buy: Best Buy (622 Broadway, New York)
Phone: 212-673-4067
Check out more details of the camera here
My comment: I recommend this model. It's very light. The image is pretty steady and it is easy to upload footage to laptop.

  • External Hard-drive --- Seagate 250GB FreeAgent Go
Cost: $79.99
Where to buy: Best Buy (622 Broadway, New York)
Check out more details here
My comment: Unless you have decided to take up video projects for a long period of time, you don't need a 250GB if it is just for one semester. Each 3-minute video (including raw material of about 45 minutes) counts about 3-4GB.

  • Editing Software --- Final Cut Express (Academic version)
Cost: $69 with student discount
Where to buy: NYU Computer Store (242 Greene Street, New York)
(212) 998-4672
Check out details here
My comment: Final Cut Pro costs $999.99, Final Cut Express costs $299.99. This Express Academic version is really a bargain. It works very well. I strongly recommend students to take advantage of the discount.

  • Case for the hard drive
Cost: $11.95
Where to buy: www.amazon.com
Check out the list of cases on Amazon here
My comment: I personally like this design the best, but I eventually bought this, because it has more pockets for the cord and a USB memory card.
Don't buy it in a store. It is cheaper to buy online.

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